TrustYou partners with TripAdvisor to monitor and analyse reviews for hotels

by July 25, 2012 2:26 pm In The News

TrustYou is accessing the TripAdvisor hotel database via an API following a partnership enabling the reputation management specialist to track reviews content.

The move means Muninch-based TrustYou can offer real-time monitoring and analysis on what is being said about hotels on the reviews giant thus saving time.

The technology categorises review content semantically as well as enabling hotels to track specific trends and respond quickly without having to access individual hotel dashboards.

TrustYou can provide analysis of content in more than 23 languages and combine it with knowledge gleaned from 250 other portals, review sites and online travel sites.

The company attracted funding of $5 million last September and acquired ReviewAnalyst giving it a presence in the US.