[Infographic]: An Analysis of Hotel Guest Conversations

Engagement is on the rise between hotel staff and guests through messaging services as conversations increasingly move digital and mobile. Recording these conversations opens the door to further insight into the guest journey by analyzing their sentiment to unveil communication attitudes and behaviors.

How to Utilize Real-Time Messaging to Monitor Guest Feedback

To illustrate some of the potential, collectable insights, we've analyzed 10,000 messages using TrustYou's state-of-the art sentiment analysis algorithms. The infographic below captures a snapshot of the conversations existing between TrustYou Messaging clients and their guests:


TrustYou Messaging


Hotels can learn a lot about their guests by communicating regularly with them on-site. Current communication techniques have moved towards mobile and away from in-person and telephone conversations.

TrustYou Messaging offers communication services for hotels via text (SMS), Facebook Messenger, and email. Real-time communication improves your hotel’s service on-site and encourages better reviews from happier guests. Start your 14-day free trial today!


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