We believe in the power to listen


在 TrustYou,我们为众多公司助力倾听,从而取胜。


Who we are

We are global. We are multicultural. We are one team with 160+ feedback experts. TrustYou is a remote first company operating in the US, Europe and Asia with the goal to help companies to succeed with the power of feedback. We make sure that we meet the local and regional requirements of our clients and partners while taking a global approach to our products, mindset, and company vision.


At TrustYou our values shape our working environment, our team, our business relationships to enable companies with the power to listen. We strive for customer excellence and live and breathe an open feedback culture. Our team is our most important asset and our teamwork and collaboration foster the best results. We test, we learn, we improve. Every team member has a unique voice that is heard and contributes to TrustYou's success.


我们践行公司宗旨。我们的核心信念是:倾听反馈是成功的关键。我们将数据转化为每个人都可以阅读、理解和使用的故事,从而做出更好的决策。我们在全球范围使用 26 种语言来帮助众多公司倾听客户的意见。我们全情投入,日复一日。


Ben Jost Trustyou

Benjamin Jost, Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer

2008 年,Ben 以一个简单的想法创立了 TrustYou:使用户生成的反馈变得易于访问和容易理解。他以热情、创新的想法和开放的心态领导 TrustYou,以激发反馈平台、团队及其领导层的全部潜能。在创立 TrustYou 之前,他正忙于成为一名有抱负的足球运动员,获得电气和信息技术理学硕士学位,并开始涉足风险投资和可再生能源领域的企业并购。

Benjamin Jost

Nikolai Trustyou

Dr. Nikolai Visnjic, Chief Financial Officer

Nikolai 一直对数字、经济、风险投资和私募股权充满热情,甚至于决定将这些主题作为自己的博士论文潜心研究。在 TrustYou,他负责监督所有财务、分析、规划和预算。在担任首席财务官之前,他最初是一名分析师,并在投资集团和咨询公司担任领导职务。为了在办公之余平衡生活,他骑着摩托越野车,克服高耸的山脉、肮脏的池塘和崎岖的小路。

Dr. Nikolai Visnjic

Chief Financial Officer

We are visionaries!

Our products have a huge impact on the hospitality industry! We use the power of big data, machine learning, and natural language processing to access and transform millions of guest reviews on the internet to create a comprehensive overview for hoteliers and travelers. Major industry players like Google and Accor Hotels trust and display our accomplishments!

We strive for excellence!

We work together to continuously improving our products, integrating client feedback into our ideas, and, looking for new markets and solutions. We are creative, analytic, precise, and always give our best. TrustYou is the world’s largest guest feedback platform, and we are the people behind it.