Tag Archive: travel


Destination Recovery: What Destinations Can Do to Win Back Guests

by April 29, 2020 3:18 pm ,

In the context of the coronavirus crisis, the health concerns, and the travel restrictions, destinations are suffering significant losses. While it’s not at all hard to get overwhelmed by the current situation and be tempted to sit back and just wait for it to end, what will eventually make the difference between the winning parties and the losing ones is what is done right now.  For destinations, the struggle of winning back guests is taking place on multiple fronts: accommodations, restaurants, and activities. The mix of these three factors is what normally differentiates a destination experience from a simple hotel… read more »


Grandma Just Texted the Front Desk – Bridging the Generational Tech Gap

by March 11, 2020 9:48 am

While it’s hard for me to believe (and admit), I am part of a generation that wasn’t exactly born in the midst of the technological revolution - I was eased into it. I am what we call a “digital native” but growing up, “the” internet wasn’t a given and it definitely wasn’t a must. I remember first getting acquainted with it sometime in middle school and although I found it impressive, at the time it wasn’t exactly life-changing. It was just one of the many things that, as a child, you slowly discover and incorporate into your life and daily… read more »

Business Travel

Are Travel Management Companies Leveraging Reviews The Right Way?

by January 29, 2020 9:33 am

Business is booming for corporate travel. The industry has been on a constant rise and is predicted to be a section of high growth within the travel sector. Business trips are now showing up in many job descriptions and employees are beginning to spend more on such trips every year, acknowledging their importance and impact. In fact, between 2016 and early 2019, average travel spending more than doubled, which shows an uprising trend and a great business opportunity for travel management companies. GBTA forecasts that travel spending will expand to $1.7 trillion by 2022. This, along with the imminent rise… read more »


Maneras eficaces de mejorar y personalizar la búsqueda de hoteles en tu plataforma de reservas

by January 28, 2020 4:04 pm

La competencia entre OTA, operadores turísticos y otras agencias de terceros por conseguir reservas en línea es feroz. Ahora, con las herramientas adecuadas, es más fácil llegar a cifras más altas de reservas en línea. ¿Qué esperan los viajeros y a qué responden bien en términos de reservas de hoteles a través de sitios web de terceros? ¿Cómo puedes asegurarte de fomentar las reservas sin demasiadas complicaciones ni inversiones de tiempo y esfuerzo demasiado grandes durante el proceso? La respuesta es sencilla: optimizando la búsqueda de hoteles con la ayuda de reseñas y puntuaciones. No mostrar reseñas de clientes puede… read more »

Tech Trends

Technology Trends in Travel – What’s in Store for 2020?

by November 14, 2019 8:52 am ,

We’re quickly approaching the official wrap-up of 2019 and it’s been another exciting year in travel and hospitality. We are now one step closer to the future and those innovative technologies that we envisioned ever since The Jetsons aired on TV. Every year, we make it our mission to break down the most impactful and exciting technology trends that are rumored to steal the spotlight in the year to come. You can check out the previous versions, for 2018 and 2019, to see what the hype was all about back then.  Now let’s get down to business and explore the… read more »


Effective Ways to Elevate and Personalize the Hotel Search on Your Booking Platform

by October 14, 2019 11:28 am ,

Competition is fierce. When it comes to bookings and hotels, OTAs, tour operators, and other third-party agencies are constantly striving to attract travelers to their websites. A booking platform is the very base of any successful strategy. With the right tools, it is now becoming easier and easier to build on top of that base and reach new heights in terms of online booking figures.  What do travelers expect and respond well to in terms of booking hotels through third-party websites? How can you ensure that you encourage those bookings without overcomplicating things and investing too much time and effort… read more »

Tech 1

Hotel Technology Trends – The Face of Hospitality Tech In 2019

by November 12, 2018 11:10 am ,

It’s almost the end of another year and it’s been a thrilling one in hospitality. Travel is more popular than ever, technology innovations are on the rise, and as a result, the guest experience is constantly taking turns for the better.   New and exciting innovations are being created and released every day and hotel tech that only a few years ago seemed extremely futuristic, is now easily integrated into our day to day lives. The world of technology is constantly changing and always surprising.   There are, however, certain trends that impact the course of hospitality and we made… read more »

2018 Technology Trends

Technologietrends der Hotellerie: Was uns im Jahr 2018 erwartet

by November 28, 2017 2:38 pm

Jeden Tag entstehen neue und innovative Technologien, die die Hotellerie und Reiseindustrie zu einer noch aufregenderen, abenteuerlicheren und vielversprechenderen Branche machen. Im 21. Jahrhundert haben Hoteliers zahlreiche Technologien jederzeit griffbereit, was ihnen eine Welt voller Möglichkeiten eröffnet - Stichwort Digitalisierung. Jetzt geht es darum, neue Wege zu finden, um das Erlebnis für den Gast zu optimieren und Hotels sowie Destinationen für Reisende noch attraktiver zu machen als bisher. Da das neue Jahr immer näher kommt, werfen wir einen Blick auf einige Technologietrends, die das Jahr 2018 am meisten beeinflussen werden. Schließlich ist der Schlüssel zum Erfolg in jeder Branche -… read more »

2018 Technology Trends

Technology Trends In Travel: What To Expect In 2018

by November 28, 2017 2:37 pm

Every day, new and innovative technology is being developed, in order to make hospitality an even more exciting, adventurous and tempting industry. In the 21st century, hoteliers have technology at their fingertips and this gives them a world of possibilities - it’s all about digitalization. Now, it’s all about finding new ways of optimizing the guest journey and making hotels and destinations much more appealing to travelers than they were in the past. Since we are peaking into a brand new year, let’s get some insights into the technology trends that will impact 2018 the most. After all, the key… read more »

Virtual Reality Travel

Virtual Reality In Travel – Should Your Hotel Embrace It?

by October 30, 2017 12:50 pm

When the Lumière brothers pioneered a little concept called cinematography, back in 1896, the moving image of a train arriving in a station was incredibly mind-blowing for people everywhere. It fact, it was so unbelievable that it is said the first audience ran away screaming from the theater because they felt like the train was coming right at them and they perceived it as a real danger. Fast forward more than a century and we are now running towards such concepts instead of away from them. Even the rise of 3D, once the movie Avatar aired, seems to be such… read more »