
Provide answers faster than humanly possible, ensure personalized recommendations for more bookings and lower operational costs

Fast answers, good recommendations, happy customers

Single and multi-property ready

Answer single property customer queries based on property training data

Multi-property mode supports throughout the booking process 

Up to 95% of questions answered automatically

AI powered recommendations

Personalized recommendations for more bookings

The new digital AI concierge

Enable chatAI on website and app via plugin or SDK

Delivers pre-defined content such as surveys, check-in forms, upsell, …

Omni-channel capabilities

Enable AI powered service directories via QR code

Unique & comprehensive training data

Pre-trained with public descriptions, amenities and FAQ’s

Additional unlimited self-training via easy to use input forms

Success Stories

Explore More About Our Other Products

Customer Experience Platform (CXP)

Customer Data Platform (CDP)

Transform insight into impact!

Our platforms collectively aggregate public and private customer data for 1m+ accommodations, 100k partners are trusting our services. We operate in more than 100 countries with local and global teams of 150+ employees in a 100% remote setup. 

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