5 Easy Steps to Get More Review Content on Google

We all know: having as much content on Google as possible helps to get ahead of the game. Travelers use search engines to get an overview of hotel options in their desired destination and already start making booking decisions. According to Statista, search engines are the most used source for U.S. citizens (73%) for deciding where to go on family vacation. Therefore, it is definitely recommended to have as much information as possible among the search results about the accommodation, pricing, and of course guest reviews. The latter play a very important role in the booking process. A TrustYou study* shows that 95% of travelers read reviews before they make a booking decision, which underlines the importance of having a good reputation across the web.

Travelers love to review and it’s constantly happening more and more: from 2013 to 2014 there was a 50% increase of reviews on TripAdvisor with 90 reviews occuring every minute in 2014. Hotels should make use of the trend and encourage their guests to actively review their stay: 81% of reviews are positive! A very popular way to do so is to encourage post-stay surveys, since they are personalized and the guest feels their opinion is highly valued by the hotel. An internal TrustYou research showed that reviews collected with surveys result in 8% higher scores.

TrustYou developed the new product, TrustYou Stars, which covers these two main purposes: collecting more reviews with surveys and pushing them to Google for more review content, directly where it is needed to immediately attract attention and to generate bookings. Additionally, Google now displays TrustYou’s Meta-Review in its hotel search results, which contains summarized and verified review content.

To promote hotels’ familiarity with this innovation, TrustYou is exclusively offering a 90 day free trial to a limited number of hotels to show the immediate benefits. Hotels only have to follow these 5 simple steps for enhanced content on Google and more reviews:

1. Sign up
2. Log in
3. Customize surveys
4. We'll handle the mailing
5. Get more reviews and influence scores on Google

*According to a recently conducted TrustYou Study


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