Hotelier’s Guide To Facebook Reviews

We’ve preached the importance of maintaining social networks like Facebook for some time now. These platforms give hoteliers a place to engage with their guests and influential brand advocates.

Many hotels, however, are not fully taking advantage of Facebook Reviews, which allow Facebook users to post a star rating and written review about a hotel or local business. To ensure that you are getting the most from Facebook Reviews, download TrustYou’s Quick Guide now. The guide includes:

  • Why online reviews and Facebook Reviews are so important
  • Setting up your hotel’s Facebook page so that reviews are enabled
  • Encouraging guests to write reviews
  • Tips for responding to reviews
  • Examples of hotels successfully using Facebook Reviews

Download the Hotelier’s Guide To Facebook Reviews here >>

PS-  If you are still new to Facebook, don’t miss out on this Quick Guide To Facebook for tips on setting up your account.