Millennial Travelers: Connected and Candid

While the tail end of the Millennial generation is teenagers, most of them are now in their 20s and 30s. That means they’re coming into their economic prime, and it’s an understatement to say this generation likes to use their money to travel. Millennials are on the road to the tune of 9 or more trips per year. Yes, that’s 9+.

Couple that with the fact that they are super connected—65% say losing their phone or computer is a bigger deal than losing their car—and it’s clear that hotels have a whole new job when it comes to capturing Millennial travelers. Keeping them satisfied as guests is equally challenging; they want unique experiences and luxury for the very best rate they can get, and when they’re not satisfied, they are all too happy to share it right away (97% post on social networks while traveling).

If you’re feeling antsy right now, we’ve got you covered. Check out our best practice guide for Catering to the Millennial Traveler. It’s a concise, informative look at how to serve this important travel contingent, who, by the way, checks around 10 social media and customer review sites before making a booking decision.

Catalina Brinza

Catalina is a social media and data enthusiast. At TrustYou, she's on a mission to bring the most out of travel and hospitality data. One day, she hopes to experience Japan's culture to its fullest.

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