Could Asia be on the Verge of Recovery? An Optimistic View of Data from the Travel Health Index

At TrustYou we monitor our global Travel Health Index on a weekly basis, leveraging guest reviews from the largest database in the world to benchmark the crisis and keep an eye on possible signs of recovery. For the week ending on April 13th, we see a slight upward tick in the trend line as shown below. This ever so hopeful sign comes from the APAC region, indicating a slight increase in guest review activity as compared to the previous week.

Since the coronavirus outbreak started in China, it’s most likely that it would also be the first country to recover, initiating the positive guest review trend in the region. With less and less reported new cases of COVID-19 and relaxing of restrictions in China, we are watching with bated breath and in expectation for other countries in the region to follow soon. A recent survey uncovered that 53% of Chinese consumers are planning to travel out of the country during this year and other sources have reported that Chinese domestic business travel will slowly pick up in the near future.

Follow the weekly updates on the Travel Health Index on the TrustYou blog and navigate the current situation through the lens of hotel guest review data.


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