Google Explains Local Search Results: What Hotels Need to Know to Improve Their Rankings

A majority of travelers begin their travel planning on Google. Where a hotel shows up in local rankings influences its clickthrough rates and likelihood of getting booked. Last week, Google shared a blog, providing us with insights into how it calculates local search rankings, noting that local results are based primarily on a business’s relevance, distance, and prominence. Here’s what that means for hotels.


A hotel’s relevance is simply how closely its listing matches what a traveler is looking for. It is determined by the hotel’s business description and reviews. TrustYou powers Google’s hotel scores and provides hotels with TrustYou Stars, a survey product that allows hotels to seamlessly push more verified reviews directly to Google. Hotels using TrustYou Stars have seen an increase in review scores on Google and a healthy increase in volume of reviews (one great example here).


Distance is simply the hotel’s proximity to the location in which a traveler wants to visit (i.e. if someone searches for hotels in Boston, he or she would get results for hotels located within Boston).


Prominence is how well-known a hotel is. It is based on information that Google has about a hotel across the web as well as review count and the review score, which is powered by TrustYou. According to Google, “more reviews and positive ratings will improve a business's local ranking. A hotel’s position in web results is also a factor, so SEO best practices apply to local search optimization.” TrustYou Stars allows hotels to improve their prominence by gaining more Google reviews as well as improving their own site’s SEO by incorporating verified reviews.

What It Means for Hotels

Hotels have the power to influence relevance and prominence to improve their local search rankings and ultimately generate more bookings. TrustYou Stars gives hoteliers the tools they need to simply and quickly improve local search results. Hotels can get started with a 90-day free trial of TrustYou Stars here.

Get the full scoop from Google hier zu finden.

Catalina Brinza

Catalina is a social media and data enthusiast. At TrustYou, she's on a mission to bring the most out of travel and hospitality data. One day, she hopes to experience Japan's culture to its fullest.

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