ITB Berlin 2019 – Reasons Why You Should Definitely Meet Us There

ITB Berlin is undoubtedly one of the most important events of the year, for any hospitality professional! While looking forward to seeing what’s new and exciting in our industry, we are also determined to meet up with our clients, partners, and anyone interested in exchanging a thought or two. ITB Berlin 2019 gives us the chance to do exactly that and so we highly encourage you to make the most out of this amazing trade show and why not, pay us a visit at hall 10.1, booth #108.


Here are a few reasons why you should definitely meet us at ITB Berlin 2019:




  • Learn more about our award-winning feedback platform from our team of professionals


If you are interested in leveraging your business’ reputation in order to achieve better satisfaction rates and more revenue, you’re headed to the right place. At this year’s ITB, you can get all the necessary information from our representing team members, who can answer any question that you might have about our feedback solution. We know that considering and selecting any type of hotel software is a big decision that needs careful consideration. This is why we want to make sure that you have all the necessary insights and that you get them in the most effective way possible: face to face with our team of professionals. Feel free to ask anything about our platform’s features, solutions, and impact, as well as the implementation process, integration with other systems, or any other concern that you might have.



  • Make use of our expertise in travel and hospitality


Worry not, our knowledge does not begin and end with our own feedback platform. During our 10 year activity in the hospitality business, we have collected so much information regarding what this industry is about and what are the best ways for hoteliers to succeed in a highly competitive environment. While you can always check out our resources and our blog to get valuable information about trends, hotel technology, best practices, and so on, ITB Berlin might be the perfect occasion to start a conversation. Our industry is constantly evolving, so let’s exchange ideas and learn from one another - and what better way of doing so than in a dedicated set-up, packed with professionals just like yourself?



  • Be the first to know what’s coming - we have exclusive news!


It’s safe to say that 2019 is a big year for our company and there are exciting changes on the horizon! At ITB Berlin, you can get a sneak peek into our plans for the future and our new and improved vision. As the travel and hospitality business is continuously developing, so are we! We are always looking forward to improving our platform, our services, and our mission of helping businesses succeed through the simple act of listening to feedback. So whether you’re already a client of ours, a partner, or you are just interested in what we’re up to and how we can help your hotel business - make sure not to miss out on our exclusive updates.


To ensure a 1:1 meeting with our team at ITB Berlin, you can now schedule an appointment hier zu finden. We will be present and eager to answer all of your questions at hall 10.1, booth #108, starting with the 6th of March. Let’s meet up!

Catalina Brinza

Catalina is a social media and data enthusiast. At TrustYou, she's on a mission to bring the most out of travel and hospitality data. One day, she hopes to experience Japan's culture to its fullest.

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