How TrustYou Hotels are “Cleaning Up” vs. Their Competition

Welcome to the last post in our 3-part series about the importance of cleanliness in hotels. Catch up on part 1 and part 2 of the series.

In our last post, we ended with the question about how cleanliness impacts overall hotel performance. To answer that question, we can take a look at the CompIndex KPI. The CompIndex shows you how your hotel’s scores compare to the average scores of your competitors. It is basically a ratio, which if being over 1.0, means you are outperforming your competitors. 

We decided to look into the CompIndex for the Performance score to understand if there is a positive or negative trend in the last couple of years for hotels using TrustYou, in comparison to their competition, meaning the hotels that have been selected as competitors in the platform. The results were quite positive.

Overall, since the beginning of 2020, hotels using TrustYou have improved their Performance Score CompIndex by over 4% compared to their competitors. This means that the Performance Score of hotels using TrustYou has been less negatively affected during the pandemic, than that of competitors. Therefore, it appears that hotels are using the pandemic and the recovery phase to listen attentively to their guest’s feedback and leverage data insights to improve against the competition. 

Now, if we also have a look at global trends in Performance Scores across our entire database, a clear pattern can also be spotted. First of all, the higher the star rating of a hotel, the higher the Performance score. But more importantly, we notice a drop of almost 1 point in Performance Scores from 2019 to 2020 across all scales, with a slight recovery in 2021. However, besides 1 Star hotels, other scales are still not back at the Performance Score averages of 2021. It could be that the increased sensitivity for cleanliness and negative impact of room cleanliness complaints discussed earlier, might just be making that small difference in the Performance Score averages.

In conclusion, it is clear that looking not only into the guest’s safety and health, while also ensuring the topic of cleanliness gets extra attention, is important if you want to improve your online reputation. But how can you do this? Finding where there is a need for improvement and what exactly needs to be improved is not that simple. Or is it? 

Check out my presentation from our September Product Event for a quick tutorial on how you can stay on top of your guest reviews in order to make improvements and achieve higher reputation scores. 

Michael Steinberg

As a Team Lead for our Enterprise Services Team, Michael is responsible for setting objectives for team members and coaching our project management team to deliver service with excellence and provide high-value solutions to key clients. Previously, Michael worked in technical support, strategy development, and customer relations with diverse companies in his native country, Costa Rica.

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