Four Things Travelers to Rio Will Find Delightful (And Three Things They Won’t)

With the Games in 2016 Rio de Janeiro just around the corner, thousands of visitors are already making their journey into the city. With a series of issues casting a shadow over traveler expectations,  it seemed an appropriate time to clear up some confusion.

To examine what the hotels in Rio have to offer, we’ve analyzed customer reviews of 589 hotels.

The research revealed that hotels in Rio de Janeiro have an average TrustScore of 81.25, with positive reviews in pool service, childcare, laundry service, and security as the main drivers of success.

In addition, service through the country rated strong; the four highest rated categories by customers were:

  •      Service Friendliness
  •      Management
  •      Concierge Service
  •      Restaurant Service

Based on these results, travelers should expect a warm welcome and terrific experience provided by the hotel staff.

While travelers were generally happy about the friendly staff and complimentary services, below were the three key areas customers complained about the most:

  •      Housekeeping Staff
  •      Reception
  •      Room Service

So, if you’re on your way or traveling soon to Rio, look forward to the great service provided by the hotel and restaurant staff but consider eating out, as opposed to staying in.


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