Reputation Management Companies are Failing Hoteliers [Infographic]

Opinion: Why simply managing your hotel reviews is no longer enough for reputation management companies

Saying this may get some flak, but it’s not to say that reputation management companies are bad or inherently trying to fail their customers. The point that needs to be made is that most online reputation management (ORM) companies, especially in the hotel industry, aren’t doing enough to provide comprehensive solutions that work together for the main goal of easing pressure for the end-user, the hotelier.

Don’t believe me? Take a look at this free downloadable infographic - "The Power to Compare" - which points out some of the missed opportunities:

The Power To Compare Reputation Management Companies

Where ORM Falls Short

Years ago, a new trajectory began moving towards Feedback (n) | ˈfēd-ˌbak | and ORM became only one piece of the puzzle. While it may be the foundation, success in guest feedback lies in the complementary solutions: guest surveys, messaging services, and the ability to market reviews. For example, while a hotelier might be managing and responding to reviews, this may not have any impact on their overall hotel rating. Ultimately, they need to collect more positive reviews in order to see an improvement. Then, if their rating does improve, who will know about it, unless it’s visible on their website as well as all third-party sites where travelers are looking. Without all of the pieces together, hoteliers are not effectively listening and responding to guests needs, and as a result, leaving money on the table.

Think Different About Guest Feedback

I get it, opinions come with a little bit of bias. Comparing at the facts against the competition - without naming names - only a complete guest feedback platform will allow you to listen to your guests from every angle. Only one platform offers hoteliers the power to listen, communicate, understand, and win with all of the following problems:

  • Missing Reviews - TrustYou collects 10 million reviews every month across 220 review sources globally. Meaning that users never miss out on new feedback or have to access multiple portals to read these reviews
  • Low Open Rates - traditional emails have low open rates, that’s why TrustYou has found an innovative solution by adding Guest Messaging into its platform. As the first feedback platform to provide messaging, this solution is tailor-made to the hospitality industry and has a high open rate, upwards of 98%.
  • Missed Marketing Opportunities - your reputation is out there, TrustYou just provides you the chance to get something out of it. Whether you want to add review data to your website or Google search listings OR increase direct bookings, our solutions and partnerships with the leading travel sites can help.
  • Confusing Data - Collecting reviews, through surveys, is only half the battle. Understanding what is being said will only take you as far as the results you can draw from it. TrustYou leads the industry with its semantic text analysis, meaning that you’re not only getting data points but actionable insights that will make a difference to your business.
  • Self-Service - Client success is a recognized source of pride for the team, with a 97% satisfaction rate. Depending on the hotel size, dedicated account managers are available to ensure a personal connection.

Don’t believe me? Get the Power to Listen. I challenge you to give the platform a try - it’s risk-free. If you’re already using an online reputation management software, it’s even easier to switch. Our team is ready to get you on the ground with a running start.

Still reading this? Stop. Start your trial now.


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