How Petit Palace Hotels Uses Guest Survey Feedback to Improve the Guest Experience

Edurne Vázquez, Strategic Projects Director at Petit Palace Hotels shares the company’s success using TrustYou’s surveys as part of its online reputation management program. Petit Palace Hotels is a brand of 33 design hotels located in the center of Madrid, Barcelona, Seville, Valencia and Bilbao.

Q. Edurne, what is your approach to Petit Palace’s online reputation management program?

A. At Petit Palace Hotels, we are hyperfocused on our guests and their experiences when staying at our properties. We use guest feedback to maintain the highest standards and to fix any problems immediately. To ensure we provide the best service possible, we monitor and respond to reviews with TrustYou’s monitoring tool. We check these reviews daily. To gain even more feedback from our guests, we began using TrustYou’s surveys, which work great for our hotels because the surveys are fully customizable in terms of both branding and the questions we can ask guests.

Q. How exactly do these post-stay surveys play into your online reputation management program?

A. TrustYou’s surveys allow us to proactively gain more feedback directly from our guests. Furthermore, we have the option to distribute the surveys to third-party sales channels like TripAdvisor, which gives us more reviews and better rankings on these websites.

Q. How do you monitor these survey results? 

Within TrustYou’s monitoring tool, we can easily break out and analyze survey results. We have also just set up automatic survey alerts so that we know immediately if a guest is unhappy. It is a great feature that allows us to rectify the situation right away, often times when the guest is still in the hotel.

Q. Are you able to share any anecdotes or metrics about how the surveys have helped to improve your online reputation? 

A. The key to success in Petit Palace Online Reputation Management (ORM) lies in a solid base of Company Culture that places the client at the core of its strategy. By using the TrustYou tool, we could measure the most important attributes of our Customers’ Experience designing our projects around these findings. By listening to the voice of the customer we are able to prioritize improvements in product and service and to also involve our employees in a more participative model while also rewarding their results.

Catalina Brinza

Catalina is a social media and data enthusiast. At TrustYou, she's on a mission to bring the most out of travel and hospitality data. One day, she hopes to experience Japan's culture to its fullest.

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